MacWorld 2000 January
Macworld (2000-01).dmg
Shareware World
YER 1.0.0
YER 1.0.0 FAT
YER 1.0.0 FAT.rsrc
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Text File
201 lines
kIPMQBusy = -15126
kIPMeoElt = -15125
kIPMeoCatEntry = -15124
kIPMBinOutOfSpace = -15123
kIPMEltNotFound = -15122
kIPMQOutOfSpace = -15121
kIPMeoQ = -15120
kIPMContextIsClosing = -15119
kIPMBadContext = -15118
kIPMEltClosedNotDeleted = -15117
kIPMEltBusy = -15116
kIPMMgrInternalErr = -15115
kIPMBinNeedsConversion = -15114
kIPMEndOfBin = -15113
kIPMBadQName = -15112
kIPMCorruptedBin = -15111
kIPMBinBusy = -15110
kIPMPortClosed = -15109 •Port closed (should this ever go out?)
kIPMStreamErr = -15108 •Error on stream (should this ever go out?)
kIPMBlkNotFound = -15107
kIPMAttrNotInHdr = -15106
kIPMInvalidFilter = -15105
kIPMNoRecipientsYet = -15104
kIPMInvalidSender = -15103
kIPMCacheFillError = -15102
kIPMBlockIsNotNestedMsg = -15101
kIPMAbortOfNestedMsg = -15100
kIPMCorruptDataStructures = -15099
kIPMA1HdrCorrupt = -15098
kIPMNestedMsgOpened = -15097
kIPMNotInABlock = -15096
kIPMMsgTypeReserved = -15095
kIPMUpdateCatFailed = -15094
kIPMInvalidOffset = -15093 •bad offset for read/write
kIPMInvalidProcHint = -15092 •bad proc hint
kIPMInvalidMsgType = -15091 •bad msg hint
kIPMCantCreateIPMCatEntry = -15090
kMailBadState = -15068 •the state specifiy is not in any of defined
kMailCannotLkupServerSlots = -15067 •cannot lookup adas for server mail slots
kMailBadMSAM = -15066 •bad MSAM: not usable = reason unspec,
kMailBadConfig = -15065 •MSAM has bad config info
kMailSetFailed = -15064 •could not set letter info
kMailBadLtrInfo = -15063 •bad info there, can't change
kMailNoSuchSlot = -15062 •no such slot
kMailMalformedContent = -15061 •a mailed structure is malformed
kMailBadSlotInfo = -15060
kMailMSAMSuspended = -15059
kMailSlotSuspended = -15058
kMailCancelled = -15057
kMailNoMSAMErr = -15056 •no MSAMs found in mailbox! or for command
kMailTooManyErr = -15055 •Too many = request outstanding,
kMailLengthErr = -15054 •ePPC message did not complete
kMailIgnoredErr = -15053 •ePPC message was ignored
kMailGwyDead = -15052 •MSAM died
kMailTooManyTagsPerLetter = -15051 •cannot add more than kMaxTagsPerLetter tags
kMailCannotWriteMailCat = -15050 •cannot update a mail catentry
kMailMissingMailCat = -15049 •trying to create message in inq, with no postIt
kMailLtrNotOpen = -15048 •letter is not open, probably not cached in inQ
kMailNotASlotInQ = -15047 •queueID does not refer to a slot's incoming queue
kMailInvalidPostItVersion = -15046 •cannot create new postit with this version
kMailInvalidRequest = -15045 •cannot putAttr for report, putRcptReport for letter
kMailBadEnclLengthErr = -15044 •incorrect number of bytes has been written after memForm of PutEnclosure
kMailHdrAttrMissing = -15043 •required attribute not written into letter header
kMailAttrNotInHdr = -15042 •attribute does not exist in this letter header
kMailInvalidSeqNum = -15041 •Invalid letter sequence o refers to an non–existent letter
kMailInvalidOrder = -15040 •This object has already been written to and cannot be written again handle non-zero offsets for now
kDETPropertyBusy = -15020 •Edit is open on the property being set
kDETInvalidCallBack = -15019 •Invalid call-back (for reasons other than those above)
kDETInvalidReqFunction = -15018 •Invalid call-back request function
kDETCouldNotFindCustomView = -15017 •Could not find custom view in info-page
kDETCouldNotFindMenuItem = -15016 •Could not find menu item
kDETCouldNotRemoveMenuItem = -15015 •Could not remove item from dynamic menu
kDETCouldNotAddMenuItem = -15014 •Could not add item to dynamic menu
kDETNoSuchView = -15013 •No view found with specified property number
kDETInfoPageNotOpen = -15012 •Info-page not open; request requires an open info-page
kDETUnableToAccessProperty = -15011 •Property could not be found and/or created
kDETInvalidDSSpec = -15010 •Could not resolve DSSpec (other than in target; see error above for targets)
kDETRequestedTypeUnavailable = -15009 •Command item could not be represented in the form requested
kDETUnableToGetCommandItemSpec = -15008 •Unable to retrieve item specification (internal error, possibly out of memory)
kDETInvalidCommandItemNumber = -15007 •Command item number invalid (out of range 1..<number of items in selection>)
kDETTargetNotAnAspect = -15006 •Specified target object was not an aspect
kDETInvalidTarget = -15005 •Target specification was invalid (for reasons other than those above)
kDETUnknownTargetSelector = -15004 •Unknown selector type for target specification
kDETInvalidTargetDSSpec = -15003 •Target DSSpec could not be resolved
kDETInvalidTargetFromNonAspect = -15002 •Target selection relative to non-aspect object which requires an aspect
kDETInvalidTargetItemNumber = -15001 •Item number is target invalid (out of range 1..<number of children>)
kDETInvalidTargetAspectName = -15000 •Could not locate an aspect by name
kSIGNoSignature = -1983 •standard file signature not found
kSIGSignerNotValidErr = -1982 •Signer has either expired or is pending and can not sign
kSIGConversionErr = -1981 •unabled to convert an attribute to Mac format
kSIGNoDigestErr = -1980 •no digest in the signature
kSIGContextPrepareErr = -1979 •context either prepared with VerifyPrepare, SignPrepare or DigestPrepare already or has been corrupted
kSIGToolboxNotPresentErr = -1978 •for client services (ie servers) to report back - not retruned by the TB
kSIGInternalsErr = -1977 •an internal error occurred like a bad digest, context or signature
kSIGPasswordErr = -1976 •password is incorrect
kSIGSignerErr = -1975 •problem with the signer or signature itself
kSIGIndexErr = -1974 •the index given is outside the range of allowable values
kSIGInvalidCredentialErr = -1973 •verified OK but credential out of date, either pending or expired
kSIGVerifyFailedErr = -1972 •verification failed
kSIGCertificateQueryDenied = -1971 •can't query certificates with this context